Sunday, September 28, 2008

Does micro dermabrasion work for acne

« ...These glands are located just below the skin surface. When sebum is produced in extra amount, hair follicles and pores become clogged. This clogging works towards blocking way used by dead cells to escape the skin. This sebum men and dead cells tend to allure attack from bacteria. This makes the surrounding tissues, to get inflamed and this result in acne....
...Mild to moderate acne can be treated with cleansing your skin, washing your face once or twice a day with a gentle soap or wash; or using one or a combination of creams. To get the best results from these products it is important that you not only apply it to the present acne but all over the affected area. Using a lotion to help repair dried and damaged skin will also help skin look its best when accompanied by a blemish treatment....»
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«...Definitely not! Don't ever try to do it. It will simply cause more irritation to your skin and can lead to even more breakout and scarring. Not to mention that it can be quite painful to do so. ...»
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tags: think i have really bad acne but i don't wat does this mean, health experst top adult acne treatments, kiss my face acne treatments

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