Saturday, September 27, 2008

Acne drying lotion overnight

« ...Actually, the only sure method of acne scar treatment is prevention early on. In general, you should never pick or squeeze acne, especially inflammatory acne or "pustules". Squeezing forces infected material deeper into the skin, causing additional inflammation and possible scarring....
...At the onset of puberty, the high levels of androgens; testosterone (dehydrotestosterone), androstenedione and progesterone stimulate an increase in the turn over of the cells lining the surface of the skin which blocks the passage for sebum from the sebaceous glands, leading accumulation, some chronic inflammation and subsequent infection with a bacteria named after the disorder, Propionibacterium acnes, a normal colony of the skin....»
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«...The first reason is that it is not possible for antibiotics to eradicate all acne problem from its root. Even though it not only kills P.acnes, but also all other good bacteria in your body, but is it workable in a long run? It is impossible to depend on antibiotics for long term acne treatment, period. ...»
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tags: herbs for acne scars, acne or pimples on labia, female hormonal imbalance acne

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